See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it everytime.

                                                                                    Bob Proctor.

 Abundance – I have everything I need in life.

My supply is limitless and I continually accept gifts from the universe.

 Law of Abundance – There is enough wealth in the world for every one to have enough money and resources to live fulfilling lives.

What better way to start the New Year than to talk about abundance. I often find myself in conversations at this time of year discussing what it is i want for the year ahead. I also find myself reflecting on the year that has been and reflecting on what gains i have made, what i have learned and places i remain stuck. In this time of reflection i have posed to myself 'how would i like to bring more abundance into my life?'

What attitudes and beliefs do you have towards money and abundance? How are these beliefs blocking you from receiving the abundance you truly deserve? Money and abundance is just energy. We all have access to unlimited abundance, however many of us have subconscious blocks that prevents us from receiving the abundance we desire. These blocks mostly were developed when we were young when we took on beliefs from the people around us such as our parents, significant others and even society may have installed certain beliefs around abundance. Beliefs such as 'money is the root of all evil' or 'you have to work hard to be  wealthy' or 'money doesn't buy you love'.

One way of becoming aware of these blocks or beliefs that you have taken on is to reflect on what attitudes your parents had about money. Were they always stressing about money? Did they argue about money? Did they do everything for you because they had a lot of money. Perhaps take some time to reflect on what beliefs your mum and your dad had about money and even write them down. While you're there reflect on what beliefs you have developed around money such as 'I'm not good enough', 'i can't have money and love' or 'rich people are greedy'. Or who out there believes money can actually be fun? Money is something to be nurtured and befriended? Once you have identified some of your core beliefs try this exercise: for all the negative beliefs that come up for you turn them around to a positive. Such as 'i believe money is evil' to 'i believe money is good' or 'i believe I'm not worthy of money' to 'i believe i am worthy of money (abundance)'. Then ask yourself what will it take for this to come true into my life? And then ask yourself what is getting in the way of this coming true into your life? And whatever is getting in the way imagine a bolt of white light dissolving and destroying those blockages. 

Look at your list and every day go over the new positive belief and who knows what may start to happen! Your feedback is always welcome. 




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