Animal Totem Meditation

Animal Totem Meditation

Last week i held a meditation group on 'Finding your Animal Totem'. Now i don't know a huge amount about animal totems but for some reason this meditation came to me (Despite having something completely different in mind!). 

It proved to be a very powerful meditation. Everyone in the group discovered their current power animal and many were quite surprised by what showed up. One girl was expecting a seal however a horse decided to show itself and another was expecting a whale but instead a bear emerged! Another had three animals show themselves and each had significant messages to share. The feedback from this meditation was so positive that i have done a recording and shared below.

A totem is any natural or mythical animal to whom you feel close connection during your life or some particular period of your life. The energy of your totem speaks to you in some way that is relevant to your own personality or circumstances in life. Each animal has different qualities and characteristics that you can draw on or that you can draw wisdom and clarity from. 

Before you listen to this audio, find yourself a comfortable space and set an intention to allow your inner guidance and intuition to come forth through the meditation and to trust in the process. Enjoy and i welcome any feedback.

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